Improve marketing productivity: implement a multi-channel marketing calendar!
As marketers we are doing more and more. We have more channels than ever before, we have more segments to be close and personal with, and we need to respond to market conditions faster than ever.
Marketing is also working with the sales team, the customer service / subscriptions team, the web guys and so on. If marketing doesn’t communicate what is going on there are all sorts of things that can go wrong – from sending out a communication to the same vertical segment through to not informing the subscriptions team of that new promotional offer. And what if things change. You know, that new campaign to address your competitor’s recent great offer or product launch. All of sudden we have to fit that in instead – does everyone know the current up to date plan?
The key to avoiding some of these pitfalls is a holistic marketing calendar that clearly shows people what is going on. What campaigns are in market and those that are planned for next month? What team members are working on and whether or not there is a slot that could be used to squeeze in that urgent campaign? An integrated online calendar makes up for those emails being ignored or someone being left off the copy list.
A survey of more than 200 senior marketers, revealed that:
- 51%: biggest challenge is managing multiple projects
- 28%: did not know what their colleagues were doing
- 36%: suffer from a lack of co-ordination
There is answer to this problem and that is the Trans4mMarketing integrated marketing calendar. Not just a calendar but comprehensive views of all campaigns in market as a Gantt chart or an interactive wall planner, views of teams, their work loads and tasks. The ability to collaborate together from a central calendar, avoiding the need for emails and outlook. All of this with integrated marketing workflow driving actions and next steps, reminding you that you have something do – all in one place! A view across everything – and we mean everything – from POS, emails, social media, above the line advertising and a new product launch. The Trans4mMarketing calendar is a market leading solution that unifies the past, present and future and supports the end to end marketing process from ideas, planning, execution, production and measurement.
If you have problems in co-ordinating and sharing the bigger marketing picture or want to make a step change in your marketing productivity – give us a bell – we’d love to help you become more agile!
Transcend360’s powerful, cloud-architected solutions enable organisations to rapidly deploy and easily change applications to meet strategic business needs. We specialise in helping organisations better understand and manage direct and indirect channels, transform the management of marketing, empower local sales and marketing processes, and ensure the legal compliance of B2B and B2C customer communications.
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